
What I have learnt being human

You may or may not know that several years ago I entered into a contract with what can only be described as a super secret organisation (SSO). This agreement meant I had the opportunity to experience life from a variety of different vantage points. I was turned temporarily into a dog, a planet, a pirate, a super hero and a ghost, as well as several other entities.

I had some amazing experiences. The one that has left it mark most indelibly in my data bank is when I was a planet. I’m obsessed with space and, despite the inevitable isolation I experienced during my time as a celestial body, it’s going to be hard to beat in terms of life experiences. Being a ghost was a right laugh too, for a bit.

But the reason I'm saying all this is that, although I have learnt so much and am grateful to have experienced and seen more than anyone could ever reasonably expect, I’m happiest now that I am a permanent human again.

Humans have the potential to shape their own experiences and to display and receive empathy in ways fun-sounding things like cars and ghosts and planets can never hope to understand.

A human is a fantastic thing to be. Congratulations.
NOTE: Advanced aliens are better than humans

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